
Wednesday 9 April 2014

Our time at the Panmure Library

Today some people from the Auckland War Memorial Museum went to the Panmure library. We left at 10:30 and arrived at around about 11:00. They then showed us how to use some Maori weapons and tell us a story. The story was about two fairy tribes who could not come out at night because their eyes. At night they came out of hiding and went to the river to catch fish and grab some pi pi's or paua. The weapons were a wooden club named a patu and rakau which is a long stick. The chief of one fairy tribes son (Djae) went down to the river one day, but he had forgotten his magical fishing hook so he had to go in the water to get food to eat. On the other side the chiefs daughter (Jasmine) had also forgotten her hook so sh e had to go in the water as well. The chiefs son saw the other chiefs daughter and asked her to marry him. The chiefs daughter said yes. The two tribes went into war because one tribe wanted their princess back. The the guardian of the volcanoes Made a massive hill grow in the middle of the land to remind them of the battle. The chiefs son and the other chiefs daughter then had kids which were half of each tribe. This reminded them that they could make peace. Finally they decided to not fight anymore.


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