
Friday 25 July 2014

Maui and the sun

Maui and the SkiesMauiandthesun.png              
retold by Reon and Thomas
Once upon a time there was a man called Maui. Everyday they worked hard to build their village but the sun went too fast for them to do their work . Maui decided to do something about it. He gathered his brothers and made some ropes out of flax to snare the sun when it was waking up.So maui and his brothers marched to the sun’s home and when the sun was wakeing up maui and his brothers threw!!! the ropes onto the sun and maui and his brothers were torturing the sun and the sun said “LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!!!’’ but maui said “I will stop if you move slower in the day so I have time to build my village.” then the sun started to move slower in the day and they had enough time to make their village and everyone was happy except for the sun.


Gozan said...

Hi reon and Thomas
I like your google drawing about Maui and the sun I think I was a bit too big but I still liked your work I like the font that you used And the crying sun at the bottom.

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