
Friday 12 August 2016

Olympic Comparison

We have been learning to consider both sides of a provocation so that we can make an informed opinion. Mrs Anderson asked us to think about the two different sides of this, wether it be an Olympics enthusiast or someone who worries about the hygiene of their country. To make our informed opinion we had to think about how else the 1.2 billion USD could be spent such as some research on the Zika virus, a virus spread by mosquitos that causes birth defects and so far there is no known cure and also think about how the Olympics would benefit the people of Rio by increasing the economy. My DLO shows some ways the citizens of Rio can make the most of it and a picture of the 2004 Athens Softball Stadium, which in ten years became overgrown with weeds and started to rot, being just one example of some Olympic venues that have been abandoned.


Robyn Anderson said...

Fabulous work Thomas! Your DLO is really well thought out and your blurb clearly explains your task. I enjoyed seeing how you formed your opinion. Well done!

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