
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Warriors Visit

Today Alice, the sponsorship manager from DTR brought Ryan Hoffman and John Palavi from the Warriors to talk to us about well being. They had a presentation that was about Hydration, Sleep and Belonging with a Warriors trivia as well. First we did the trivia and it had questions like who scored the most tries out of the warriors in 2015? Whoever got the questions right was given a spot prize. Hydration was about how water is the healthiest drink to have and you should have it all day to keep you healthy and also how when you don't drink water you become dehydrated and dehydration gives you headaches.  There was also a game involved with hydration, called heads or tails. Heads was if you thought the fact was true, and tails was if you thought the fact was false. Sleep was about how a child needs 11 hours of constant sleep to stay in best shape, which means that I will have to go to bed at 8:00 everyday to stay healthy! Belonging was about which groups we belong to, for example, everyone belongs to their family, and also you might belong to a church or a sports team. We also had to think about some people we would go to if we were feeling sad.


Robyn Anderson said...

This assembly was a lot of fun and was a great way to get an important message across. Glad you enjoyed it :)

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